Oct6. Most kell ráerősíteni a kazah–magyar kapcsolatokra https://www.vg.hu/nemzetkozi-gazdasag/2023/09/most-kell-raerositeni-a-kazah-magyar-kapcsolatokra
Jul18. Productive Kazakh-Hungarian cooperation in the agricultural sector Organized by HUKZ-Agro Llc., on July 17, 2023, the Kazakh delegation visited the Fruit Growing Research Station in Újfehértó […]
Mar24. The Honorary Kazakh Consulate turned 25 years old The Honorable Kazakh Consulate celebrated its 25th anniversary on March 24, 2023, at the City Hall of Karcag. At […]
Nov21. Interview with Zsanibek Abdrasov, Kazakh ambassador to Hungary, about the presidential elections Kazakhstan has reached an important milestone in its democratic development. Although elections have been held regularly since independence in […]
Oct7. Honorary Kazakh consul visited Subotica Honorary Kazakh Consul László Horváth took part in the meeting of the International College of the Hungarian Chamber of […]